Privacy statement

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Privacy statement All-in Freight Forwarding BV

Below we set out our privacy protection policy and the disclaimer applicable to All-in Freight Forwarding B.V., domiciled at Turfstekerstraat 63, NL-1431 GD Aalsmeer, the Netherlands.

Privacy Statement

Similar to many other websites, we collect personal and general data relating to our visitors on our website. In this Privacy Statement, we explain what type of data is collected, how it is collected, and for what purposes we use the data. All-in Freight Forwarding B.V. reserves the right to amend this Privacy Statement. We recommend that you regularly consult our Privacy Statement so as to remain up-to-date on any changes.

Information gathered solely for use by All-in Freight Forwarding B.V.

Any data and information we collect through our website is intended for use solely by All-in Freight Forwarding B.V. and related partners and businesses and is never made available to any third parties.

Data provided through online form

Our website contains an online form, through which users can request a price quote, general information, or other details. Any data and information requested and provided through this form is used to contact our users in order to meet the request submitted. All-in Freight Forwarding B.V. may store the data in its relationship management system but it will never be used for further processing to which you have not consented.

Click behavior and visitor analysis

All-in Freight Forwarding B.V. uses website statistics for various purposes, including tracking the countries of origin of visitors to its website. This data and information is used exclusively for general purposes, in order to better tailor our website to the information needs of our users.


As with other websites, cookies are stored on your computer when you visit our website, in relation to the use of the above-mentioned statistics program. This enables us to identify your computer when you visit our website at a later date. The majority of Web browsers are configured in such a way that they accept cookies automatically. Any information and data gathered by means of cookies is specific to your computer and may consist of your Internet Protocol (IP) address, the date and time when you visited our website, and the sections of the website you viewed. You can configure your browser such that you receive an alert whenever you receive a cookie, in which case you are, of course, free to reject the cookie. Please note, however, that you may not be able to use all the features of our website or other websites if you reject cookies

Services All-in Freight Forwarding